To search for a registrant, type a name or part of a name in the search field and click the "Find" button.
You can also search for registrants in a particular city or state, e.g. "John Doe, Provo UT".
To search by NDCA number, type the pound symbol followed by the number, e.g. #1234.
To narrow your search to a specific gender, status, or license type, click on the search pills to enable or disable them.
NDCA Premier Season Two National Rankings - top-ranked ranked couples, teachers, and students!!!
Go to the NDCA Premier National Ranking website!!!
See photos & videos of former NDCA Professional Champions. Click on the still or video camera to the right of a couple. (If you are a former champion & wish to have your photo/video added to the website please contact the NDCA Ballroom Director)